Our Sculpture Guide “Kunstorte”

You are on the right track with our sculpture guide! It contains all the relevant information about the artists and their works in Bad Ragaz and Vaduz. It serves as a guide if you would like to book one of our numerous guided tours, are looking for a shady spot in a garden restaurant or are on the lookout for other pleasurable experiences! In addition, the sculpture guide contains background information on the first-ever support programme entitled “Laboratory for Young Art”.

By the way, supporting the Bad Ragartz Foundation is no mean feat: by purchasing the compact and handy guide, you become a part of the exhibition's future!

Here you can support the Bad Ragartz with a purchase:
– “Infostelle” Heidiland Tourismus, Bad Ragaz
– Buchladen, Bad Ragaz
– Schriby Papeterie, Bad Ragaz
– Train Station, Bad Ragaz
– Liechtenstein Center, Vaduz